Wilbo…the boy behind the blends

Inspired by Wilbo

The journey that brought us here was one that couldn't be planned for or predicted. Our son William (affectionately known as Wilbo) was born in 2015 with a rare form of epilepsy. This means that he has complex care needs and requires a feeding tube.

We understand first-hand just how demanding caring for somebody with complex needs can be. Sometimes there are extra challenges to help our loved ones enjoy the quality and equity of life we all deserve. William’s diet was one of these many challenges.

Transitioning to real food

Food plays a huge role in all of our lives, whether you have a feeding tube or not. Quite simply, there are many benefits of real food and good nutrition that help us to live well. Having started William on the blended diet in 2017, after being well supported by our dietitian to make the transition to real food, we have seen these benefits throughout William’s development.

However, the honest truth is we have also experienced some of the difficulties that blending can bring, from not enough hours in the day, being out and about, the need for military style organisation, choosing and affording the right blender, and even getting the odd bit of blended food on the kitchen ceiling!

Supporting blended diet

Our aim is to be a thoughtful extension of the blended diet community, promoting choice and supporting happy and healthy meal times. Like everyone blending at home, we are committed to creating real food meals that provide natural goodness and variety.

With more and more people turning to blending, we really hope you and your loved ones enjoy the benefits and convenience that Wilbo’s Blends can bring.

Saying thanks

Whether it’s for school, being out and about, going on holiday, visiting a health and social care setting, or even if it’s just needing a day off blending yourself - on the occasions it’s needed - Wilbo’s is here to make it all just that little bit easier.

At the end of the day, none of this would be possible without William, so we had to put his name on it......

…Thanks Wilbo!